
Student Pass Ticket Program

Are you a student with a valid .edu email address? Want to get notified about student exclusive pricing on last minute tickets? Sign up for our Student Pass program and receive a text message with a ticket offer 48 hours before an available game! There’s no cost to enroll and you’ll only be charged when you accept tickets. You’ll be able to purchase tickets at a exclusively low prices and you will have the chance to be randomly selected to receive lower bowl seats at no additional cost!

Pay one flat price and be guaranteed seats at that price level or better. If you want to attend a game, simply accept by purchasing the offer. If not, do nothing and join us next time. Attend the games that work for you! Don't have a valid .edu email address? No problem, sign up for our Last Chance Pass program and be notified of last minute tickets.

Pass Seat Locations

Your seats will depend on available inventory, however you are guaranteed seats at the price level you purchase or better.

You will see your seat location immediately after purchase in your Ticketmaster account.

Login to Ticketmaster account manager and your tickets will be accessible there


You are allowed to purchase up to 4 tickets when inventory is available.

There are no refunds for unused tickets.

The best place to access your tickets is within the official Trail Blazers Mobile App.